What to consider when changing car insurance?

What to consider when changing car insurance?

Switching your car insurance can be relatively easy but so many just rollover onto a new deal without shopping around first. It is very easy to get a better offer at renewal time. There are other things you need to think about not only the price of the policy.

Breakdown assistance and windscreen cover

These services are usually included as standard in most policies. Some insurers can charge extra on your premium for them. These are both extremely important features to have on your policy.

No claims discount

The No Claims Discountis one of the most important features of an insurance policy. If you have a no claims discount of your current policy it is important to protect it with step back protection, especially if you have spent years building it up.

No gaps in your cover

If you’re switching your insurance, then it is important that you don’t leave any gaps in your cover. Your new policy should begin exactly when your old policy expires. You should inform your new insurance brokers of the exact date and time that you would like for the policy to commence. It is also important if you are purchasing a new car to make sure that it is covered before you start driving it. This mean letting your broker know in enough time.

Nowadays it is quicker and easier than ever to get a car insurance quote. This doesn’t mean that it is a decision that should be taken lightly or rushed. There is a huge amount of policies out there. Take the time to read the details to see if the policy includes everything you need. Do not hesitate to contact the insurance broker if you have any questions. They are more than happy to help and are there 24 hours a day for all your car, home or farm insurance needs.

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