Chevrolet Halloween tricks to keep your little ones safe

Chevrolet Halloween tricks to keep your little ones safe

Halloween is fun and exciting for both kids and adults. It is also a day to be extra vigilant while out on the road. Safe Kids Worldwide has a stat that says on average, twice as many child pedestrians are killed while walking on Halloween compared to any other day of the year.

To help keep children and adults safe while trick-or-treating, Chevrolet Safety Engineer Suzanne Johansson shared the following tips to remind drivers to be extra careful when out and about on Halloween.

Drive Scary Slow - Kids are excited, full of sugar and potentially wearing shoes that could cause tripping. Slow down and be prepared to stop for Owlette, Cat Boy and Gekko as they cross the street or chase a piece of their costume in the wind.
Treat Yourself to Car Tech - Chevrolet recommends that you never turn off safety alerts, but if you have, turn them back on. Things such as rear-view or forward-facing cameras, collision alert sensors and Surround Vision cameras give drivers a better view of what or who is near their vehicles while they’re backing up or just driving down the street.
Avoid Dreadful Distractions - If you are concerned you’ll be tempted to use your phone while driving, eliminate the temptation and distraction by taking advantage of vehicle storages cubbies that you cannot access while driving.
Motorists and Masks Don’t Mix - While it’s tempting to make your fellow motorists laugh, it’s a bad idea to drive while wearing anything that could potentially impede your vision like masks, goggles or silly glasses. Place them in the trunk or a convenient storage space until you reach your destination.
Don’t Get Tricked and Always Buckle Up - Whether you’re rolling slowly down the street while your kiddos roam the sidewalk or transporting a group of superheroes door to door, be a stickler for safety and buckle up every time you’re in motion.

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