How much do drivers really know about their cars?

In twenty-first century living, our vehicles are a centrepiece of our day-to-day routines. They’re not just the engines that power our travels from A to B, they’re the motors of our social lives, the gears that get us into work and our ticket home at the end of the day. Life looks incredibly different without automotive in it: it’s slower, less varied, less colourful.

One thing that recently shocked us thoroughly is how pitifully little we know about fixing our cars and keeping them in good stead, expressed neatly and visually by Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

We’ve shared five of the most stunning insights below!

Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

It’s not like it’s a trick question, guys. It’s mind-boggling to think how you could confidently drive a car without knowing where the battery is, in the same way that you surely couldn’t feel at ease working on a laptop without knowing how to charge it. We can sympathise with the results, to a point: cars have grown so high-tech that maybe people didn’t feel confident at hazarding a guess. Still, it’s a little disconcerting to think about. A massive “oh dear” from us!

Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

It’s a motoring offence to drive with a chipped windscreen, but it’s also a thoughtless way of putting everyone in the car at serious risk. The road is a place where everything moves with speed: that includes bits of gravel and stones that can fly off of the surface, which will fully shatter a weakened windscreen if they collide with it.

In the event of a collision with another vehicle, a broken windscreen can cause even low level accidents to prove fatal. It counteracts car safety devices like airbags, which depend on pressing against the windscreen to expand in the right manner.

Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

Above all else, we were shocked that this is true of London, of all places. The capital’s busy for its famous roads. You should never be on the road without being sufficiently visible!

Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

There are quick, easychecks you can do to ensure that your tyres are in the right condition. Halfords have written a handy guide, anyone with any doubts should check it out! 

Halfords’ Car Maintenance Survey.

Finally, this shocked us the most! It takes next to no time to check that your car is fine before you embark on a long journey. Again, there’s ample resources on the web. Just print one off and keep it in your car, you never know, it might make an enormous difference some day. 

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