How to save money on your next Toyota Prius?

The Toyota Prius is one of the most popular cars in the world and for good reason. It is very affordable, it is durable, and it looks the part. Why wouldn’t you spend your money on a brand new Prius? The answer is that you may not have the cash. Yes, a Prius may be affordable when you compare it to other models and manufacturers, but that doesn’t mean it is in your budget. Still, you also don’t want to exclude it from your wish list as you want a car that is going to save you money after the fact. And, most cars are just as expensive to run as they are to buy. Luckily, there are a few tricks to slash the cost, and you can find them below.

Toyota Prius

Play dealers against one another

The oldest trick in the book is to play a selection of dealers off against one another. As the car industry is very competitive, dealerships will do anything to get your cash. And, that means they will gladly undercut a rival if they think they can land the deal. All you have to do is head into your local Toyota garage and tell them that you found a Prius at a certain price and want to know if they can match the offer. Usually, the answer is yes!

Look on the internet

What is the best place to find a bargain? The Internet and that is no different when you are looking for a new car. The great thing about the Internet is that it breeds competition, which lowers the price. More and more dealers can set up a business without the usual requirements, and it is about time you took advantage. One place to start is RRG Toyota as they have a great range of cars, old and new, at reasonable prices. They can also help you find a cheap dealership if you prefer the tried and tested method of dealing face-to-face. Otherwise, a quick Google search will give you all the information you need.


Haggling is an art, and you need to learn it before you head into battle. The better you can haggle, the cheaper the car. It is that simple. The key is to remember that you are in charge and that they want your money more than you want the car. As a result, always keep your emotions to yourself and never be too scared to ask them to drop the price. The worst that can happen is that they say no and you thank them for their time.

Find cheap financing options

If you don’t have the cash in your hand, or your bank account, you may have to borrow it from a lender. The problem is that loans are expensive, and they will bump up the price of the car. However, if you can get a loan with cheap interest, you are going to come out smelling of roses. Go to your nearest Credit Union and ask them for a quote. Credit Unions are brilliant for small loans at affordable rates.

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