Important items for the interior of every new car

Important items for the interior of every new car

In the past one month, we have seen almost half a dozen new car models from the major car manufacturers, and dozens more from the lesser known brands. New cars are coming out all the time. In this piece, we are going to take a look at some important items and materials that should be in your new car as you drive off into the sunset. A new car is not immune to breakdowns, so you should be prepared for all eventualities when you are off on a long drive.

The owner’s manual

Most of the cars hitting the showrooms today are highly sophisticated. This means you may, once in a while, find yourself at a loss about certain functions. The owner’s manual must be in your glove compartment at all times, as it may be your only guide to getting back on the road with ease. 


The GPS navigation systems on most new cars are good, but there is no telling when they will fail. Therefore, you need to have a detailed map of your location handy. Alternatively, you can invest in navigation systems from manufacturers like Tom Tom. The navigation systems can serve as great standalones or backups when the need arises.

A fully charged smartphone

This is important if you are driving into an unfamiliar territory where it can get lonely pretty quickly. Even without a subscription, you can power on the phone to call 999. You don’t want to be stuck in the valleys and unable to call the RAC.


Again, depending on where you are going, you may have to stay in your car for hours in unfavourable conditions. A blanket will come in handy, especially when using the heating system is not an option.

Bottled water and high energy snacks

If you ever have to wait for a while somewhere, your bottled water and snacks will become vital for your peace of mind, your comfort, and perhaps even your survival. By avoiding the hunger pangs and staying hydrated you will be able to remain alert and make the right driving decisions all through what is left of your journey.

Tyre air gauge

This is vital for preventive maintenance. By keeping your tires fully inflated to the right level, you not only improve your fuel mileage but you also reduce the risk of tyre explosions. Here is a good article on tyre air gauge accuracy.

Jumper cables

Your new car will probably not have a dead battery problem. Still, you need these cables so you will be able to help someone else you may meet on your way.

First aid kit

The kit will come in handy if you get involved in an accident or meet someone with injuries. In many cases, stopping bleeding is enough to help prevent shock and make a bad situation a bit better.

Road flares

These are valuable at night as they can help you get found in the event of an emergency. Here is more on road flares.

Tyre repair kit

There is no telling when a tyre will get damaged. A tyre repair kit will help you make the tyre usable for a short period, pending when you get to a repair shop. I have a spare I hear you say. What happens if you have a double puncher?

These are some important items you should consider packing when you get on the road in your new car. Long journeys can be fun, but they can also turn into a nightmare. Make sure you get enough sleep before you jump into the driver’s seat, and plan your route well!

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