Top 8 New Year's resolutions for drivers

Resolutions for drivers

A new year means it’s time to start making resolutions. If you have bad driving habits, now may be the time to change them! Here are eight New Year’s resolutions which will improve your driving life:

Schedule your checkups

It can seem like your car is due for a checkup every other week. This year, resolve to choose your dates and put aside enough money for them. Nobody likes expensive surprises and this is a simple way to avoid one.

Keep your car clean

This coming year, make a point of not driving around with the equivalent of a farmer’s field caked on the exterior of your car. Cleaning often makes the job a lot easier. You can get your car waxed at the same time, which will protect your paintwork and repel dirt. This resolution should also extend to the interior of your car - don’t let the rubbish build up!

Check oil levels

If your engine doesn’t have enough oil, then you could be causing massive damage each time you drive. Top it up regularly and keep your eye on its level to avoid this problem.

Check tyre pressure

Keeping your tyres properly inflated will help with handling and fuel efficiency. Check the pressure at least once a month and fill them up if it is below the recommended level. You can find the correct pressure for your car on a sticker in either to glovebox or the passenger door well.

Drive in a more fuel efficient manner

Who doesn’t like to save money? Make a conscious effort to cut out bad habits like leaving your car to idle and changing gear too late. This will not only help to cut down on your fuel bill, but will make components like your tyres and brakes last longer.

Keep petrol topped up

Running out of petrol can seriously damage your fuel pump. Avoid this issue by resolving to fill your car up before the red light comes on.

Learn to change tyre

Learning to change your tyres is easy and it can save you a whole world of trouble. Ask a friend or relative to teach you how. Keep in mind that you should never change your own tyre if you suffer a flat on a motorway - call your breakdown provider.

No driving the morning after

This is a resolution which you can put into practice on January 1st. Alcohol can stay in your system a lot longer than you think, so be careful when driving early in the morning.

Will you be making any of these your New Year’s resolution, or do you have any more to add to the list? Leave a comment and let us know.

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