Get the best deal on car insurance for hybrids

car insurance for hybrids

If you have a hybrid car, you may be saving on running costs in terms of fuel efficiency, but with some insurers, you’ll end up paying more than if you drove a regular car. So it’s really worth searching around for a good price on hybrid insurance to make sure you get the best deal.

Thanks to price comparison websites like igo4 insurance, this process is so simple compared to how it would have been a few years ago. You used to have to call different insurers, run through the same list of questions and get individual quotes. Now, though, you put in all your details once and within minutes you have a choice of different insurance products for your vehicle.

So why is it that some insurers charge more to insure a hybrid? Some view it as a specialist technology and this is what increases the premiums. The theory behind this is that insurers are concerned that hybrid maintenance, parts and repair costs would be more than on a regular car. So a claim on a hybrid might cost more than on a petrol or diesel car.

Hybrids are also more expensive, and therefore have a higher book value attached to them. If the insured hybrid were to be stolen, the replacement value would be higher than on a conventional car of the same age.

But there are also insurers that offer a better deal on hybrids than on conventional cars. There is a perception that a hybrid owner is more likely to be a careful and safe driver. They are generally older and therefore represent a lower insurance risk.

Of course, insurance premiums aren’t just about the car. Your driving record, the area in which you live and where you choose to store your car can all affect how much your insurance policy will cost.

It’s always worth doing a couple of searches online to make sure you are getting the best deal available for car insurance. It could save you a significant amount on an annual basis.

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