Drivers in UK reveal what irritates them the most

Drivers in UK reveal what irritates them the most

On the road, there always seems to be at least one problem. It could be a traffic jam that tails back for mile after mile, a pothole, a patch of black ice during winter or something a little more unexpected such as a sudden sharp turn. There are some things which might seem unavoidable, but other problems, especially those caused by other drivers, can get right up our noses!

There are just some things that can irritate us, whether because they spoil an otherwise quiet journey or that they might be so dangerous that they can be the cause of something as serious as an on-road collision. As a survey of UK Driving Habits Revealed, there are certain habits that seem to annoy us more than anything else, one of which proving more irksome than others.

Phone problems

Even though mobile phone use without a hands-free or Bluetooth kit was made illegal, just over half of all people said it was the most irritating thing they have seen other drivers do. In second place with 29% of the vote was erratic signalling, while applying make-up, fiddling with satnavs and playing loud music also scored pretty highly among drivers venting their spleens.

Respondents to the survey also revealed which vehicles they felt were the most trustworthy of all. It came as no surprise that cars were the popular choice, polling in at 43%. Buses came in second place overall with 31%, although the over-65’s said they felt buses were more trustworthy, possibly because they’re more likely to use them than other age groups.

Stickers say it all?

Bumper stickers are a common sight, but most of them are humorous, right? Not of the survey results are anything to go by. Almost one third of people said that any car with a Tasmanian devil bumper sticker signified that the driver wasn’t particularly good. Other stickers that gave the impression of owners being bad drivers included ‘babe on board’ and ‘my other car’s a Porsche’.

As for modifications made to the car itself, 28% revealed that they felt they could spot a bad driver if their car had modified exhausts. 26% said they could guess if someone was a bad driver if they had tinted windows and 19% said the same if the car’s suspension had been lowered. However, only one in nine said they felt bad drivers can be spotted if they had a modified body kit.

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