Top 10 supercars we'd all love to own

Top 10 supercars we'd all love to own

For most of us, the possibility of owning a luxury supercar is a far-flung dream. Unless you’ve got plenty of dosh to throw around, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get hold of one of these beauties before paying off the mortgage. Still, it’s nice to imagine.

Some of the most beautiful cars in the world also happen to be the most expensive, according to this list by Autoweb. Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Aston Martins… who wouldn’t want to drive one of these cars to work in the morning?

The least expensive car on this list is the Lamborghini Aventador - tallying in at a massive £253,000, if you want one of these gorgeous cars you’ll need to break open the piggy bank. And the most expensive drive? That would be the reptile-like Zenvo ST1. This Danish-designed car will set you back a cool £1,160,000.

Whether it’s speed, functionality or just the chance to look a bit flash, these are the supercars most desired by those who can afford them.


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