How to change automatic transmission fluid?

automatic transmission oils

To increase the life and betterment of the existence of transmission, automatic transmission fluid can be changed. "Changing" the fluid is not similar as "flushing" the transmission, that is more complicated work. On every 50,000 miles the process of flushing should be done or so while changing can also be done time to time on every 10,000 miles.

Seven steps to change your car's transmission oil:

1. Lift up the car, so you can crawl under it. It cannot be done if you do not have the hydraulic lifter of type of that auto workshops have, you will have to use a jack stand to uplift the car which will also be supportive for the car to stand.

2. Crawl under the car and find the transmission fluid pan. The pan will be attached with the base of the transmission.

3. Drain the fluid. This can also be done by many ways. None of them will drain all the fluid which is in the transmission. 50 percent of the fluid will still be there in the transmission. To drain all the fluid (also the fluid that is in the torque converter), you must flush the transmission fully. So if the oil pan has a drain plug, unplug it to drain the fluid into a collection pan. Use a pan that can hold up to ten quarts of transmission fluid, although that much probably will not drain out. Realize that if you use this method you cannot change the transmission fluid filter, which is reachable only if you go with the next step.

4. Remove the transmission oil pot. If drain plug is available, you will need to bring out the whole automatic transmission fluids pan.

5. Unscrew the two upper-most bolts to their half part. Then take off the remaining bolts all the way. As soon as the last bolt is entirely unscrewed, the pan might drop a bit and fluid will start draining. If the transmission pan does not dive on its own, you should use a rubber mallet to whack it. Because the fluid will drain around the pan (rather than through a drain plug hole), you will have a require a pan to collect the fluid which will be at least as wide as the transmission pan itself, if you do not want to have a problem.

6. Change the transmission fluid filter as well, which will be able to be seen now that the transmission pan has been removed then pull it off. Be remembered to fix a new filter. A magnet which is inside the transmission pan is used to collect metal shavings that are being created by the worn moving parts. These shavings should be removed with the fluid that is remaining in the pan. Test out the transmission pan gasket. It will probably be needed to replace. Re-attach the transmission pan.

7. Lower the car off the jack stands.
  • Add new transmission fluid. There are many types of transmission fluids. Do not forget to use the kind suggested by the car manufacturer. You can find it in owner’s manual.
  • Transmission fluid dip stick will be taken out. The new fluid will go directly into this spout.

You will have to use a funnel. Pour it in a little less fluid than the fluid which is drained out. Start the car and run its engine for few minutes. Then turn off the car and confirm the fluid level. If the level is not enough or low, put more fluid in it, add more fluid till the transmission fluid came at the right height.

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