How to drive more efficiently?

How to drive more efficiently

With the current economic climate, it’s no surprise many of us are tightening our purse strings. While we can all cut back by buying cheaper products and thinking frugally, one of the biggest drains on our finances continues to be our cars.

However, there is a proven solution, and that is to drive more economically. This can be a little easier said than done, so let’s take a look at some easy and quick-fixes you can implement to help you save money by driving more efficiently.

Inflate your tyres

First thing’s first, you should make sure your car tyres are inflated to their optimum level. There are several reasons for this - the first concerning your safety. Driving on under-inflated tyres can reduce the level of grip your car has on the road, which means it’s more likely that something will go wrong.

The second reason concerns the efficiency of your car. If you’re driving on underinflated tyres, your engine will have to work harder (over time) to push your car forward. The day-to-day efficiency of your car won’t be affected a great deal, but over time, you will find that your car underperforms when it comes to getting the most out of your ‘petrol money’.

Gently does it

We all know that the harder we push down on the accelerator, the faster our car will go. On top of this, the harder we push on the accelerator, the less efficient our driving is. Acceleration should be gentle and gradual, and your engine should not sound ‘strained’ when you’re going forward.

If you think you may be accelerating a little harshly, a quick-fix to help you stop doing this is to adjust the position of your heel. If you rest your foot closer to the pedal, you may not press down as hard as you would if your heel was further away from the pedal.

Of course, this can be a matter of trial and error - so just give it a go and work towards a more relaxed style of driving.

Maintain your car

Failing to maintain your car can easily lead to it being less efficient. Just like the overall topic of this guide, maintaining your vehicle can be easier said than done - especially if you live in a big city.

Driving around in a city like London, for example, is quite frantic - with lots of loose debris flying out from cars in front of you. This can pose a danger to your windscreen, and you can soon find a nasty-looking chip on the surface of the glass. If you do discover a chip, it’s important to get it seen to as soon as possible - as leaving it for longer can end up costing you more. You can find out more about windscreen replacement in London here, knowing where to turn if you discover a chip can make all the difference.

So, there you have three easy-to-follow tips to help you drive more efficiently. There are plenty of other ways you can save money by altering the way you drive, so why not challenge yourself to cut your driving costs?

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