Video: London Trip in a Mono, Atom, X-Bow and R300
Approved by:
Tan Dung
March 14, 2013
The BHP Project has recently taken four amazing track-focused cars for a quick trip to London, including the BAC Mono with 280 hp, Ariel Atom 3 with 300 hp, KTM X-Bow with 300 hp and the Catterham R300 with 165 hp.
The idea behind this trip was simple, take four cars in to the center of London at night and see what they were really like to use on real roads and to see just how they handled it and what the people of London thought of them.
All cars were driven by there respective owners and at the end of the video they talk about their experiences on how they got on in one of the busiest cities in the world.
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