Car insurance for eco-friendly cars

Car insurance for eco-friendly cars

Petrol prices in the UK are soaring higher than ever and although we Brits like a good moan about things generally, the cost of filling up our tanks is pushing many of us into action. If we were in pretty much any other country in Europe, we’d be out on the streets being blasted by water cannons. But in the UK, we’re taking a rather different approach to our distaste for spending more than our grocery budget on our petrol each week and … are buying eco-friendly cars.

Okay, so it’s not the most robust response to fuel price increases, but it’s actually a pretty effective one. We’ve been rather loathe to venture into the realms of electric, bio-diesel, ethanol or hybrid cars in previous years, mainly because we didn’t really have to and we’re not fond of change. But petrol prices have gone beyond a joke and now we’re looking for a cheaper means of personal transport.

Enter the eco-car. Designed to run on things other than fossil fuels, environmentally-friendly cars are far cheaper to run. And better yet, some car insurance companies are offering cheaper car insurance for those of us who drive these green cars. What’s in it for them, we hear you ask? After all, car insurance in the UK isn’t known for slashing prices.

In short, it’s because very few people drive eco-cars like lunatics. They are generally sensible, married, middle-aged people with considerable driving experience: they are generally the only demographic that can really afford an eco-car at the moment. That might change as green cars become more popular and prices drop as technology develops, but for now it’s a safe bet that en eco-car will get you a lower car insurance quote. Also, eco-friendly cars tend not to accelerate as quickly as petrol cars and are not as attractive to thieves.

You could get a cheap car insurance quote, getting a saving of up to ten percent if your next car is an environmentally-friendly one. Some car insurance UK companies also offer to offset part of your carbon emissions and use things like paperless billing in an effort to appeal to customers’ sensitivities about the environment. 

Pay-as-you-go car insurance is another option that might get you a lower car insurance quote - you can limit the number of miles you’ll be driving in exchange for a lower premium (though take care not to exceed that mileage or risk having your policy declared void).

So if you’re thinking about buying a new car, feel like you’ve done enough 'tutting' about the petrol costs and want to take direct action (and buy a green car) then it’s worth checking with a few car insurers what your car insurance quote would be like if you choose an eco-friendly car. Some companies only offer a reduced rate for particular types of eco-car (such as for electric cars but not bio-diesels), so that’s worth checking out before you buy.

Happy shopping and vive la résistance!

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