General Motors to Invest $ 2 billion to Expand Production

Only two years after receiving bailout from the U.S. Government, General Motors announced it would spend $ 2 billion to recruit around 4,200 employees at 18 plants in eight states.

GM's investment marks an important step for the U.S. manufacturing sector. But it not only brings jobs for many people, it helped GM become more competitive. Investment amount will be divided into many different array to develop.

Recently, Ford and Chrysler have announced they are recruiting thousands of jobs and invested millions of dollars in their factories. Currently, GM, Ford and Chrysler are profitable business and they claim that the business will continue to be profitable. Three manufacturers are producing cars and the best possible trucks. Quality, style and fuel consumption were improved. Customers will return and manufacturers will have opportunity to grow the business.

Currently, the total number of Americans working in the automobile industry is about 170 thousand and if the industry continues to grow in 3 to 4 years, the number of employees in the sector will be about 200 thousand.

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